The Be Internet Awesome curriculum, a collaboration between Google and the Internet Keep Safe Coalition ( This resource is part of Be Internet Awesome, a multifaceted program designed to teach kids the skills they need to be safe and smart online.
This web site supports Dr. Russell Sabella's work on educating children, parents, educators and other stake holders about the responsible use of technology. Included in these pages you will find helpful resources, lesson plans, links, and more.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Google Docs: A New Way to be Cyberbullied
Google Docs: A New Way to be Cyberbullied

Every day, millions of students engage with computers and tablets for learning purposes. Teachers spend hours monitoring the progress of these students, ensuring that they stay on task by using either proximity monitoring or an MDM. To accomplish this, Google products are often favored by schools as they allow easy collaboration and seamless incorporation with most e-learning systems or learning management systems, including its own Google Classroom.
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Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Social Media and Adolescent Health
To minimize the harm of social media use on adolescents’ health while maximizing its benefits, a new report recommends setting industrywide standards and new protections against harassment, offering nearly a dozen recommendations for social media companies, Congress, the U.S. Department of Education, and others.
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