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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cornell University Press Relations: Press Release

Cornell University Press Relations: Press Release
One very recent study that the AAP didn't cite, came from researchers at Cornell who found that Facebook can enhance self-esteem. In a Cornell press release about the study (which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking), co-author, associate Professor Jeffrey Hancock, said "users can choose what they reveal about themselves and filter anything that might reflect badly. Feedback from friends posted publicly on Facebook profiles also tends to be overwhelmingly positive, which can further boost self-esteem." Hancock added, "for many people, there's an automatic assumption that the Internet is bad. This is one of the first studies to show that there's a psychological benefit of Facebook."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Does your child have Facebook syndrome? ·

Does your child have Facebook syndrome? · "The American Academy of Pediatrics -- the same group that recommends doctors ask parents whether they have a gun at home -- now recommends pediatricians start asking about Facebook."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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New Government Website Takes Aim at Bullying

According to recent studies, more than 30% of young people in the United States are victims and/or perpetrators of bullying. As such, the US government has created a new website designed to provide information to children and young adults on ways to stop bullying and harassment and where to turn for help. It also provides useful tips for parents, educators and other adults in the community.

Featured sections in the site include, "Recognize the Warning Signs" and "How Do I Get Help?" While other sections include information on cyberbullying, state policies and laws, and violence protection programs. Under the "Parents" section, the site includes information on "bully-proofing" your child ans what to do if your child is actually the perpetrator. small bullying

The website is managed by the US Department of Health and Human Services in partnership with the US Department o Education and the US Department of Justice. It was recently showcased at the Conference on Bullying hosted by the White House.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Safer Internet Day 2009

This film produced by the European Commission has been created to raise awareness of cyberbullying. It explores how young people's online information can be copied and distorted and the impact this can have on victims. The film also guides young people to report if they have any issues and reminds them that bullying is wrong - wherever it is perpetrated, whether online or offline.

Anti-bullying - SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey has created a survey that any student can use, for free, to find out how safe friends and classmates feel.

The White House Meeting on Cyberbullying

The White House

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

White House Conference on Bullying Prevention - References & Resources |

White House Conference on Bullying Prevention - References & Resources |

The White House Conference on Bullying Prevention materials provide information on how all communities can work together to prevent bullying. The materials discuss the risk factors for bullying, effective bullying and violence prevention programs, reduction of bullying against LGBT youth, and cyberbullying.

Welcome to

YouthFacts seeks to debunk the barrage of modern mistruths about youth, restore a climate of fairness and integrity when discussing youth issues, advance verifiable and evidence-based information to better inform youth policy, enhance the integration of youth into democratic and multi-cultural citizenship, and build a culture that values and trusts its young people.

Engaging Bystanders in Sexual Violence Prevention | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)

Engaging Bystanders in Sexual Violence Prevention | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)

This book presents a compelling orientation to the importance of engaging bystanders in sexual violence prevention. The narrative provides background on the development of an approach that empowers each of us to be involved in prevention. It discusses various reasons why individuals who witness a range of inappropriate behaviors may or may not take action, and presents ways to encourage and develop greater bystander involvement. Finally, this book serves as an excellent training resource; it provides activities and trainer instructions throughout that make it a useful educational guide on bystander engagement in sexual violence prevention. Also available in Spanish.

Videos Posted by Facebook Safety: A Message from President & Mrs. Obama [HD] (1)

A special Facebook message from President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama about how preventing bullying is a responsibility we all share.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Study: Facebook photo sharing reflects focus on female appearance

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Contact: Patricia Donovan
University at Buffalo

Study: Facebook photo sharing reflects focus on female appearance

What affects women's self worth also influences their social networking behavior

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- In a new study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, University at Buffalo researcher Michael A. Stefanone, PhD, and colleagues found that females who base their self worth on their appearance tend to share more photos online and maintain larger networks on online social networking sites.
He says the results suggest that females identify more strongly with their image and appearance, and use Facebook as a platform to compete for attention.
Stefanone describes the study results in a video interview:
"The results suggest persistent differences in the behavior of men and women that result from a cultural focus on female image and appearance," he says.
The study, "Contingencies of Self-Worth and Social-Networking-Site Behavior," was co-authored by Derek Lackaff, PhD, University of Texas, Austin, and Devan Rosen, PhD, University of Hawaii, Manoa. It appeared in the journal's current issue.
Its purpose was to investigate variables that explain specific online behavior on social network sites. Among other things, the team looked at the amount of time subjects spent managing profiles, the number of photos they shared, the size of their online networks and how promiscuous they were in terms of "friending" behavior.
The contingencies, measured by the widely used CSW Scale (contingences of self worth) developed by Crocker and Wolfe, are important internal and external sources of self-esteem, hypothesized in previous research and theory to affect an individual's sense of self worth.
Stefanone's study found that contingencies of self-worth explain much of the social behavior enacted online.
In the study, 311 participants with an average age of 23.3 years -- 49.8 percent of whom were female -- completed a questionnaire measuring their contingencies of self worth. The subjects were also queried as to their typical behaviors on Facebook.
"Those whose self esteem is based on public-based contingencies (defined here as others' approval, physical appearance and outdoing others in competition) were more involved in online photo sharing, and those whose self-worth is most contingent on appearance have a higher intensity of online photo sharing," Stefanone says.
Stefanone notes that the women in this study who base their self worth on appearance were also are the most prolific photo sharers
"Participants whose self worth is based on private-based contingencies (defined in this study as academic competence, family love and support, and being a virtuous or moral person)," says Stefanone, "spend less time online." For these people, social media are less about attention seeking behavior.
Stefanone says, "Contingencies on which people assess their self worth represent a new approach to understanding how personal identities are developed and maintained. This study provides a framework for future explorations of identity construction, social interaction and media use in a rapidly changing communication environment."
Although it's stereotypical and might have been predicted," he says, "it is disappointing to me that in the year 2011 so many young women continue to assert their self worth via their physical appearance -- in this case, by posting photos of themselves on Facebook as a form of advertisement. Perhaps this reflects the distorted value pegged to women's looks throughout the popular culture and in reality programming from 'The Bachelor' to 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians.'"
Stefanone's research emphasis is on group-level, computer-mediated communication (CMC), distributed groups and Internet-based communication tools like social networking sites. He also explores novel uses of CMC technologies like blogs and social network sites, and the effects these tools have on interpersonal relationships.
The University at Buffalo is a premier research-intensive public university, a flagship institution in the State University of New York system and its largest and most comprehensive campus. UB's more than 28,000 students pursue their academic interests through more than 300 undergraduate, graduate and professional degree programs. Founded in 1846, the University at Buffalo is a member of the Association of American Universities.

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The hurt of digital harassment can last forever.

Faces of Distracted Driving: Kelson Vaillancourt, 21

Texting, radio, make-up ... stay focused!

Also see

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dateline NBC: News stories about crime, celebrity and health-

Dateline NBC: News stories about crime, celebrity and health-

You can watch this online if you missed it on television last night.

2011 IBPA Conference

2011 IBPA Conference: "2011 IBPA Annual Conference

Call for Proposals

8th Annual Conference
of the
International Bullying Prevention Association
will be held
November 6th-8th, 2011
New Orleans Marriott
555 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130-2349

The Request for Proposals released on March 1, 2011.
Proposal deadline is May 13, 2011."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Acceptable Use Policies in Web 2.0

AUP Guide: "Acceptable Use Policies in Web 2.0 & Mobile Era A Guide for School Districts"

Internet Safety News and Information: Justin Bieber Joins MTV and Facebook to Fight Digital Harassment

Internet Safety News and Information: Justin Bieber Joins MTV and Facebook to Fight Digital Harassment: "I’m excited to spread the news that Justin recently partnered up with MTV and Facebook to inspire more people to draw their line between digital use and digital abuse.
As part of this partnership, he’s campaigning for Draw Your Line—a place that celebrates and rewards teens for helping to develop a new digital code of ethics. "

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